Thursday, February 13, 2020

Doing Trump's Work

I very nearly scraped my Joe Cunningham bumper sticker off my car today.  But I figure if the republicans can hold their nose and vote I can keep my damn bumper sticker on my car.

The headline in today's Post and Courier says that "Joe Cunningham slam's Bernie Sanders' socialism...."  Boy, Joe, with friends like you, we might just as well declare Trump the winner in November right now.

But we voters are going to be bigger than you, because the election is much more critical than whether you win again.  We are fighting for our democracy.  The sad thing is, when Cunningham lets his "conservative" supporters know he is running their party line by slamming Pelosi as a -- god-forbid -- liberal, or voting against raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, he loses those Democrats he needs to show up for him.  He may think the Dems in Charleston are outnumbered, or that those women trying to make ends meet on minimum wage will take time out from their exhausting lives to get out and vote just because he is a "D" but he is dead wrong.

The sad thing is that, unlike myself, most of us have chosen not to beat ourselves up by studying the obscene workings of the law and our government these days.  Most of us don't know anything about the ACLU other than what those right-wingnuts have been yelling for all these decades (ten decades this year).  And too many of us don't have a clue what the difference is between a socialist, a democratic socialist, or a damn commie.

So when Joe engages in Trumpian name-calling, he is doing Trump's work for him.  And we should know by now that Donald Trump likes himself nothing more than causing others to fight.

The fact is that whatever you call Bernie Sanders, he has been a respected member of Congress since 1991 (when Joe was not yet ten years old).  For that matter, Nancy Pelosi has been a US representative since 1987, when Joe was five.  The voters in their states and districts see that as experience, not old age, and happily re-elect them.  Which Joe Cunningham can only dream of.

How about this:  how about we think in larger terms than who is going to win the Democratic nomination?  Let's instead prove that our brains are greater than the republicans who as we speak are working together to figure out how to cheat and steal their way back into power in November.  Let's do what we said we were going to do way back in 2018, and work together.  We can have a primary where we fight over issues rather than man-caves or "socialism."  The very best way to win this thing is for all of y'all, and all of us, to continue to combat Donald Trump and his gang of deplorables (and wasn't Hillary right?).  We need to ALL do what Mike Bloomberg and Tom Steyer are doing, and that is to stay focussed on Trump and every single obscenity that he has committed since he and Vladimir Putin stole the election.

This time around, he is going to cheat much, much bigger than he did before, because in the past 3 1/2 years he has been collecting power, just like Roy Cohn taught him when he was a boy-thug.  Each time justice has been sacrificed, whether it be the Muslim travel ban, the border wall, cutting food stamps, or firing the heroes in our government, each time he gets away with it, democracy shrinks.  When he calls us names, and the media focusses on the tweets and rallies, he can't be any happier.

Except, of course, when we take up his attacks and turn on each other.

So let's not do that anymore.  Joe.


  1. Joe pissed me off too...I will be holding a grudge for awhile for his divisive name calling rhetoric.

    Enjoyed the post Agnes, as always. Pam

  2. I’m with you 100% Agnes.
